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I want everyone to have the opportunity to experience the Milford that I have, and be able to continue to live here, raise their family here, and do all the things that make life full.


I will continue to prioritize policies that benefit all of Milford's residents!

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About Mayor Tony G

Anthony S. Giannattasio became the City of Milford’s 12th Mayor on November 20, 2023. He was raised in Milford, the small city with a big heart, and raised his children, Francesca and Anthony here with his wife, Andrea.

He has dedicated his life to public service, playing a pivotal role in various legislative and community initiatives. He was elected as a member to the Planning and Zoning Board, serving two terms, then became a 16-year member of the Board of Alderman in 2007, serving as Minority Leader for 12 of those years.

As a proud business owner for nearly 36 years, he understands the value of hard work, collaboration, and having a consistent pragmatic approach.

His combined experience in government and business provides him with a unique and balanced approach to leadership. He has made a commitment to transparency, fiscal responsibility, and responsiveness. Under his guidance, he aims to make the vibrant and welcoming City of Milford an even better place to live, work, and visit.

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Promises Made.
Promises Kept.

Rolling up his sleeves to move Milford Forward!

A proud Mayor and lifelong public servant, Mayor Tony G understands the value of hard work, collaboration, and honesty.  It is with this same work ethic and positivity, Mayor Tony G has become Milford's trusted leader - making our small city with a big heart the envy of Connecticut.

Prioritizing Public Safety & Public Health

Authored and passed an Ordinance to prevent street takeovers and authorizes the Milford Police Department to intervene more effectively when incidents occur.

Ensuring proper funding for the Milford Police and Fire Departments. Mayor Tony G has increased funding for training, vehicles, equipment, and added two Police Officers to the force.


In conjunction with the Milford Police Chief, Mayor Tony G is implementing a comprehensive public safety plan that includes: motor vehicle speed and red light enforcement and bolsters the Milford Police Department’s drone program.


Authored and passed a Zoning Regulation Change to limit the number of vape shops in town. Vape products all too often end up in the hands of our younger residents. By limiting the number of shops, these products won't be as readily available.

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Growing our economy

Working to spur economic development in Milford by putting dormant city-owned property back on the tax rolls and repurpose office space to a more modern use.


Mayor Tony G continues to meet with local business leaders to tour their facility in order to foster a greater line of communication between businesses and City Hall.

Milford is the proud home of many businesses in our state, with hundreds of new businesses starting each year.

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Preserving & Protecting Milford

Working bipartisanly with federal and state leaders to fund shoreline resiliency projects. Milford is fortunate to have the longest coastline in all of Connecticut and it’s our duty to be good stewards of the environment. This challenges us to be innovative as to how we implement efforts to prevent further erosion and revitalize our beaches.

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Supporting the Environment




Milford is recognized as a Silver Community with SustainableCT. This is the highest rank a municipality can receive and it highlights Milford as a leader in sustainability.

In conjunction with the Milford Tree Commission,

Mayor Tony G sponsors an annual tree giveaway in our city. Each year, Milford residents can sign-up to receive one of 500 free trees. This puts more trees in our city and leads to a healthier Milford. 

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Send a Message to Mayor
Tony G

Please complete the below and click Contact Tony G to make sure your voice is heard!

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